Little Things you need to know about “Anime”


Image result for anime collageMost people on this day already heard the term “Anime” and probably most people assumed that it’s just another cartoon shows… But what does Anime really mean? It is a style of animation originating from Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes as stated from Merriam Webster,(But honestly its just Japanese cartoons). Most Anime shows was centralized into one character in which the story revolves on, that character will be receiving much more character development than other characters on the show thus giving plot armor’s and making them protagonists…But some shows protagonists can be overshadowed by the other characters making their personality dull or the other character is just more interesting.

 Different Genre’s and Sub-Genre’s in Anime

In Anime there are also different types of genre in order to classify one Anime to where it belong whether if it is for example horror or action? .Some anime posses multiple genre. I will only tackle some major genre’s and sub – genre’s in Anime,here are some example:


Image result for sword art online gif

Action genre’s covers a lot of extremely high amount action packed scenes in which you will often see in this kind of genre. Sometimes bloody sometimes with cool effects. This is one of my favorite genre’s as it makes my blood pumped up with every cool scenes of every battle you will be seing here. Overall this genre really posses lots of battles as how many times i already said, watching it can make you feel a rush of adrenaline and a lot of HYPE!

Some examples of action genre anime’s:

  • Kill La Kill
  • Sword Art Online
  • Fate/ series



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Comedy genre anime’s core purpose and intention is to make you laugh! Sometimes the animation on this genre is poorly drawn purposely to raise the comedic value of it. If a comedy anime failed to make you laugh then i don’t know what to call it anymore, but sometimes the jokes will depend on your kind of humor to make you laugh……

Some examples of comedy genre anime’s:

  • Nichijou
  • Gintama
  • Daily Lives of High School Boys



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Drama anime’s… They are the anime’s that can make you feel emotional,sad, and can even bring you into tears as the genre suggested it is tear jerking sometimes associated with a death of a lovely characters that was given many many character developments and emotions. Overall if you’re planning to watch a drama anime bring tissues it would help a lot…

Some examples of drama genre anime’s:

  • Your lie in april
  • Clannad
  • Anohana


1. Game

Game genre’s are anime’s that it’s setting is inside a game or a competition commonly associated with action and isekai genre’s…

2. Historical

Anime that tackle’s stories or informations about the history…

3. Mecha

Is an anime sub-genre that is having a robot war in it…..



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Anime is actually a hit in the whole world not just in japan but also the westerns, it spawned a lot of fandom and and fans in the whole wide world, and also its not always dubbed or “raw” dubbed into Japanese which will be subbed shortly, anime’s can be also available into other language dubs though it will take much more time than being subbed.Some anime’s becomes very very famous almost the whole world know’s about it even people who  doesn’t watch anime but happened to hear it, and even some anime’s that become really famous will even have a special events,parties and even have some official merchandise, it will also be used to support the anime if you would like for it to last long cause animating it is not cheap….. Also some others make’s their fandom split and break into two different sides on which will either sides they should support or even fight on who is better than one this can cause to internet war( not a real war just to see who is better) and will eventually destroy one side as it progress on the anime and show who will really the best for protagonist, the best girl,the most powerful and many more reasons….


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Some anime’s originated in this. Manga’s are comics created in japan and as stated earlier some anime’s originated or was first seen in a manga before they got adopted as some studios use’s manga’s as source materials for a anime adaptation, though there are some exceptions in which an anime is a studio original which will be the either way being the anime first then manga or the anime and the manga both aired and released on the same day and gets updated the same time. There is also different types of manga publication being:

  • Kodomo – magazines aimed at young children.
  • Shōjo – magazines aimed at girls/young women.
  • Shōnen – magazines aimed at boys/young men.
  • Josei – magazines aimed at older women.
  • Seinen – magazines aimed at older men…



Anime Studios

If some anime have manga as a starting point then manga’s wont have an anime adaptation at all if not because of animation studio’s on this one i am going to give some examples of great anime studios …

1.  STUDIO GHIBLIImage result for studio ghibli

One of the most popular animation studios they released many great anime movies on which almost all of them got recognition on having good stories and with their movie “Spirited Away” being the number one in 2003….More about Studio Ghibli

2. A-1 PICTURESImage result for a-1 picture

It is one of the most currently active animation studios being founded in 2005 or 2006 something? They already created a lot of anime adaptations in a short period of time with a good amount of quality. They were responsible for some anime’s like Magi,Sword art online and many more….. (for more information please click Read more…

3. UFOTABLERelated image

Having their name originated from a circular table that looks like a U.F.O they are one of the best studio in animating with a high amount of quality and attention to detail, they did create anime adaptations of games instead of manga’s for example the fate series which originated as a game visual novel….More info…

With the blog almost concluding let’s go to some anime examples

Basically this are some of my examples of anime i would like you to watch or simply “my” suggestion…..

1.Fate/ seriesImage result for fate wallpaper

It is one of my favorite anime series of all time this anime has numerous anime adaptation in which some of it has a continuation in the story between other adaptations of it. Originally it started as a game eroge visual novel type until studio deen(the first to make an adaptation of it before the rest was adapted by ufotable). It tell about an ancient high artifact purely created by magic that can grant any wish, it selects seven mages to be masters and to summon one servant for each master to use against one another. If all the 7 master have summoned their servants the “Holy Grail war” will start in which every masters fight each others just to obtain this artifact and fulfill their desires…..

Some Fate/ anime or movie adaptations

  • Fate/Stay night (Studio Deen)
  • Fate/Stay night Unlimited Blade Works (UFOTABLE)
  • Fate/Stay night Heaven’s Feel (Movie) (UFOTABLE)
  • Fate/ Zero (UFOTABLE)
  • Fate/Apocrypha (A-1 Pictures)
  • Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (Silver Link)
  • Fate/Grand Order (Movie) (Mobile Game)
  • Fate/Extra (Game)
  • Fate/Extella (Game)
  • Fate/Extra Last Encore (Studio Shaft)

And many many more!!!! If you think that’s all? Then check this!Type-Moon


2. Blend S

Image result for blend s

High school girl Maika Sakuranomiya has trouble finding a part-time job because of how scary she looks when smiling. However, she is scouted one day by an Italian man who is also the manager of Stile, a café where its waitresses are given unique traits such as tsundere and younger sister. Maika is given a sadist trait because of her looks and has to adopt a dominant and cruel persona when servicing customers, particularly masochist ones. More about Blend S!Click Here!


Personal View about Anime

I like watching anime, i like anime! In fact i am watching anime as i am doing this! I like action anime’s or the shounen ones, and that’s why some anime such as Fate/ is over hyped in this blog! If there’s some correction feel free to say it in comments, if there’s question also feel free to drop it down on the comments….


With that said i would like to end this blog thank you for taking your time in reading it and i would hope you should watch some if you like….

If there’s some correction feel free to say it in comments, if there’s question also feel free to drop it down on the comments….

EL of CaSoLTanEl…..



14 thoughts on “Little Things you need to know about “Anime”

  1. I just read Webtoons and Manga this time, because I hooked up to it. Nut this website is good, it is like this site suggesting to others.

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